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Bactrocera dorsalis

Methyl Eugenol

Used for trapping male adult fruit flies (especially Bactrocera dorsalis) in fruit tree crops like mango, guava, banana, papaya, plum, peaches and several others. The fruit fly's life cycle begins when the female lays her eggs on a piece of fermenting fruit or other decaying, sweet organic material. She can lay up to 500 eggs, making it difficult to control the population. After eggs hatch into small, white larvae, they eat from their nesting site for four days, absorbing the nutrients and energy needed to transform into adults. Larvae then locate dark, dry places for pupation. 

Mode of action

It is the process of attracting the pest, and trapping those insects that damages the fruits.


Economically Affordable, easy to install and manage.

Pheromone traps are species-specific

Reduces the need for use of harmful pesticide and insecticides.

If installed at proper tiime. it can detect low numbers of insects infestation.

Non toxic and can be used all along the year.


One should use hand gloves / clean hand for handling lure

Avoid using alkaline or acidic pH products.

Do not use in combination with chemical pesticides and fertilizer

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